I will do my best to embrace the positivity and enthusiasm for life, that you had.
I miss you already.
This could very possibly have some deep meaning.
But mostly I just think the picture is cute.
Mummy, Daddy, Weeb and her cousin J. September 2009.
One of the cats. October 2009.
Weeb, Mummy and Daddy. December 2009.
A castle with Princess Weeb and some smiles. May 2010.
Mummy. Weeb has learned the spelling, at preschool,
with an O instead of a U.
I'm not that fussed about it. May 2010.
Stay tuned for more Photogra-Weeb.
I came accross this online and thought some fellow bloggers might find it interesting.
Take it with a grain of salt. I find it contradicted itself with me a couple of times.