Sunday, May 1, 2011


Weeb has an enormous fascination with dandelions, at the moment. Most grassy places around here are littered with them right now. I don't mind them; they're actually quite pretty. However, I would rather my offspring cease from her daily habit of picking a hundred from the school field to bring home.

These yellow weeds are currently blooming all over our back yard. I've been noticing how they open to match the sun, during the day, and close up when it gets dark. I hadn't realised they did that before.

A friend in the blog world posted some amazing photos of dandelion puffs, and though I haven't seen any here yet, there must be some nearby because I saw a couple of puffy seeds float into our water table while I was taking pictures of our dandelions.

I've no idea what these are, but they are very tiny weeds with the prettiest little white flower. I have nothing in my flower beds, but the entire back yard is littered with such pretty weeds.

I've no idea what these little purple flowers are, other than they are more very pretty weeds currently blooming in the back yard. I should just dig this stuff up and put them into my planting pots - I'd save a fortune on flowers this year!

What is the difference between a flower and a weed? I've no idea, except that my flowers croak easily and the weeds come back, faithfully, every single year and are wicked hard to get rid of.


  1. Lots of flowering weeds are just wildflowers, but I found this article that would make you smile:

  2. LOL Great link! I think she hit the weed on the head with that one! Thanks! :)

  3. Yep, that is what my hubby always tells people. If you don't want it, it's a weed!
