Wednesday, February 3, 2010


Why is it that people who drive around with the N (new) sticker on their car always seem to be driving a Lexus? Where do these young drivers, new to the road, get money to buy a Lexus? I could save my salary for a year, or more and not be able to afford a Lexus!

And why, at red lights, are these new drivers the ones who are always dashing into the right lane so they can overtake the rest of the traffic in the center lane upon the light change to green? It ticks me off when I'm in the center lane. It ticks me off when I'm in the right lane (because they either are in front of me and not turning when I want to turn right or they are behind me, riding my butt).

I'll bet the majority of incidents of Road Rage occur as a result of something that some Lexus driving 'N'ew driver has done. And I just don't see why it should be a crime when I go out of my way to hit them with my non-Lexus car.


  1. Even funnier because I edited my original post here. Original said:

    NEW POST - made ya look!

  2. Oh look another squirrel.... in the right lane! SWERVE!!!! :)

  3. I only go after squirrels driving Lexus. LOL
