Monday, January 10, 2011



I get that the guy who works next door to us parks like he's visually impaired, I mean, he's been parking badly, next to me, for the past four years.

What amazes me is that everybody else who parks in that spot ALSO parks like they have visual issues.

I have to wonder if there is something gravitational going on in regards to my car. Perhaps it just sucks people and their vehicles into some kind of Toyota Echo-y vortex of closeness?

And it doesn't just happen at work, though it does seem to happen there quite frequently, and as I have a window that looks out on the parking lot, I have the opportunity to catch these terrible parkers more than in other places. I mean, when I park at the mall, I go into the mall, I don't just hang out waiting to take photos of the idiots who park too close to me (though I have pictures from the mall, too).

I don't have a clever closing, other than a rather large number of people appear to be stupid and park too close to me.

1 comment:

  1. Check under your car for magnets. Specifically, the kind that draw bad parking people. I think I have a jerk magnet implanted in me somewhere. By aliens, I am sure. The jerk magnets are all made in Ottawa somewhere....I am sure.
