Friday, March 19, 2010


This is an open letter to the rule little twerp who keeps calling my cell phone:

Hey, you rude little twerp,

I can forgive you for having the wrong number once.

I can even forgive you for having the wrong number twice.

However I can NOT forgive you for hanging up on me during that second call and then doing the same thing the following day!

What's shocking is that you ASK for Mrs. Martin politely enough that I suspect that you are an adult (though maybe just barely), then you turn into a rude little teenage turd upon my polite explanation that you have the wrong number. Again.

Don't hang up on people who are in the middle of a sentence, you dipwad!

You're obviously not Canadian or you would have at least apologised before hanging up.

What is unfortunate for you is that I have your phone number.

I will exact my revenge in the name of Mrs. Martin.

Hang up on THAT, moron!

You win a boot to the head.

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