Tuesday, January 10, 2012

366 of 2012 - Day 10

366 of 2012 - Day 10. I took these first couple shots of mesh crown that belongs to my daughter (I wear it more than her, but I really know how to work a mesh and ribbon crown!). As usual, these are taken with my Canon G12 on Auto. I found the camera really struggled to figure out where it wanted to focus and though I really like this shot, and the one below, I have realised that I need figure out how to focus on a specific area of the photo before snapping the picture.

I have a couple dozen shots of this beautiful polished slice of Geode. It's quite pretty, but it's so polished and reflective, I couldn't get a good shot without a ton of reflections, which I didn't like. The crystals stand out nicely in this shot, though it does not do the gorgeous layers of rock any justice!

I took this shot of the moon this morning. It's not great. There is zero focus, but I still like how it looks against the clouds.

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