Monday, February 14, 2011


I made some chicken noodle soup for my hunny today as he is rather under the weather. It didn't suck. I don't know that it helped, but it didn't suck.

I hate cooking and I work almost full time so not much gets made from scratch in our house. However I am trying to reduce the extra salt and extra preservatives, as much as possible. So my best route probably wasn't prepackaged chicken broth but whatever, it's as close to scratch as I am getting.

I put some chicken breasts in the slow cooker with the chicken broth (reduced sodium), some carrots and some onions (which I'd made poor Snot Face cut up the night before because I just can't cut onions, plus I figured it would help his nasal congestion). 8 hours on low later, I cut up the chicken, added some boiling water and made some pasta. I also threw a partially baked loaf of bread in the oven (yeah, yeah, prepackaged white bread, blah, blah, blah...).

It wasn't too bad. And we have a ton of soup leftover. It was a bit on the bland side, but I have a 5 year old who is not keen on too much 'flavor'.

Next time I'm going to cut the carrots smaller and find smaller pasta; little stars or alphabet pasta maybe. And I'm going to do more bread. And I'm going to crank up the heat on the soup before serving.

Not too bad.

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