Wednesday, February 16, 2011


Dear Recycling Pick Up Guys,

Remember last week when I awarded you with a boot to the head for tossing our recycling bag into the truck along with the rest of our recyclables? Yeah, sorry about that.

It was our neighbor. Not the ones who get up at 4 in the morning and wake us up with their screeching pipes then their hundred year old car, but the ones on the other side with the kids who go up and down stairs like a pack of pachyderms, leave chewed gum right where I put my foot down when I get out of my car, and occasionally have seriously vicious fights regardless of hour or attendance of stair stompy offspring.

Yesterday I came home and they had all their recycling and garbage out (most people don't do it until later in the evening) and guess what was in front of our door.

Dude. Seriously? You took THREE bags and didn't notice the bright yellow one with the huge strip of duct tape on it? Then you didn't notice the enormous hissy I threw as you WATCHED us look for our bag and heard me stomp into my house and slam the door? Seriously?

Boot to the head.

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